Most Significant Digit: Classic vs AI Suggestion

I was fiddling around with some toy code and needed to find the most significant digit of an integer. I wondered if there was some more clever way to find it, like John Carmack’s fast inverse square root.

Here’s the classic method, using modulus arithmetic in a loop:

int msd(int num)
    if (num < 0)
        num *= -1;

    while (num >= 10)
        num /= 10;

    return num;

Calling this function a ridiculous number of times yielded an average total runtime of 270,589 microseconds.

Here’s Google’s AI-suggested method:

int getMSD(int num) {
    if (num == 0) {
        return 0;

    int digits = std::log10(std::abs(num)) + 1;
    return num / static_cast(std::pow(10, digits - 1));

The same ridiculous number of calls yielded an average total runtime of 2,241,092 microseconds. That’s over eight times slower than the classic, modulus-loop method!

Additionally, Google AI’s static_cast from double to int throws a C4244 warning (possible loss of data). Finally, I believe that Google’s solution is fundamentally incorrect: it returns negative values for negative inputs. By my understanding of “most significant digit”, a digit is defined as the numbers zero through nine, thus any function returning a most significant digit must return a single, unsigned number 0..9.

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Restoring Tortoise Shell Icon Overlays Hidden by Dropbox

Software developers regularly complain about Dropbox obliterating their TortoiseCVS/SVN/Git shell icon overlays in Window Explorer. This happens because Windows only supports 15 shell icon overlays. They even play a dirty trick to make sure their icons load first, by inserting spaces before their key names in the Windows Registry. Tortoise engages in the same behavior, battling to be loaded before the 15-item cutoff is reached. You can see the key names with this command:

reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers

The key names look something like this:

ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\   DropboxExt01
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\   DropboxExt02
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\   DropboxExt10
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\  Tortoise1Normal
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\  Tortoise2Modified
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\  Tortoise3Conflict

Personally, I have no use whatsoever for Dropbox’s shell icons, while I depend on those of TortoiseSVN, so let’s delete all the Dropbox entries. This batch file will delete all of the DropboxExtXx keys under ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers, then restart File Explorer so that the changes take effect:

@echo off

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('reg QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers ^| findstr DropboxExt') do (
   reg DELETE "%%i" /f

taskkill /F /IM "explorer.exe"

NOTE: This script must be run as Administrator in order to work.

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VMware Workstation Bridged Network Stopped Working

On my Windows 11 host, with a Lubuntu guest, bridged networking stopped working one day. The solution was to open Virtual Network Editor on the Windows host (must be run as Administrator) and manually set VMnet0’s “Bridged to:” option to my physical network card:

I had already removed the non-bridged virtual network adapters, but that didn’t improve the situation.

Posted in Technology, Uncategorized, Virtualization, Windows | Leave a comment

Dune: Duncan Idaho?

It occurs to me that the way we feel about the silly name Duncan Idaho echoes the way that the Fremen felt about the name Muad’Dib (“hopping mouse”) when they first heard it.

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Using PowerShell To Change File’s Created/Modified/Access Timestamps

File timestamps can be modified on Windows using PowerShell.
Command Syntax:

(Get-Item YourFilePath).CreationTime = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"

Time can be specified using a 24-hour clock, or using am/pm.

There are three settable timestamps:

  • CreationTime will affect the Created timestamp.
  • LastWriteTime will change the Modified timestamp.
  • LastAccessTime will change the Accessed timestamp.


(Get-Item MyFilename).CreationTime = "10/23/2017 12:56pm"
(Get-Item MyFilename).LastWriteTime = "10/23/2017 12:56pm"
(Get-Item MyFilename).LastAccessTime = "10/23/2017 12:56pm"

Results (from the File Explorer file properties dialog):

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USB Charger/Hub Comparison

GaNFast, which appears to be a site intended to promote Gallium Nitride devices, happens to have one of the best charger + hub product lists out there. It gives power, type and number of prts, and overall size, all in one table:

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Visual Studio Theme Pack Broke My Visual Studio 2022

After installing the Visual Studio Theme Pack from the Visual Studio Marketplace website, my installatio of Visual Studio 2022 was completely broken. The error messages I was getting included:

The 'MEF Service Broker Package' package did not load correctly.
The 'Background long idle package' package did not load correctly.

I couldn’t even open Tools | Manage Extensions. In fact, no menu items worked at all, only triggering an error message, "The operation could not be completed." Attempting to open a project resulted in an error "There is no editor available for…"

Even the close button resulted in an error dialog!

The fix was to uninstall the Visual Studio Theme Pack using this command:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe /u:VisualStudioThemePack.453e3fa1-2e0e-467e-abbd-1d08fe6468d1

After some more monkeying around, I managed to get Visual Studio into an even worse condition. Ultimately, running these commands as an Administrator got Visual Studio working again:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat
devenv /resetuserdata
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Thinkpad T420 IPS/PLS Screen Upgrade

Tired of the awful OEM screen on your T420? Want FHD (1920×1080) resolution with the full colors and deep blacks of IPS screens? Having a hard time deciding which to order? Then this page might help you.

There are several screens available for the non-S T420 laptop which have performance characteristics on par with true IPS screens. This page has a good explanation of how the various panel types differ.

This thread by RMSMajestic seems to be the origin of the screen upgrade for the non-S Thinkpad T420 and T430. The first post explains why flickering is a common problem.

There are several eBay sellers carrying FHD IPS controllers. The one sold by moe-tech, for example, supports the following screens:

1920×1080 (FHD) Screens

Brand Model Type Finish Colors Brightness Contrast Viewing Angle
AUO B140HAN01.0 AHVA Glossy 16.2m 300 cd/m^2 800:1 89/89/89/89
B140HAN01.1 AHVA Matte, hard 16.2m 300 cd/m^2 700:1 89/89/89/89
B140HAN01.2 AHVA Matte, hard 16.2m 300 cd/m^2 700:1 89/89/89/89
B140HAN01.3 AHVA Matte, hard 16.2m 300 cd/m^2 700:1 89/89/89/89
LG LP140WF1-SPB1 AH-IPS Matte 262k 300 cd/m^2 700:1 85/85/85/85
LP140WF1-SPK1 AH-IPS Matte, hard 262k 300 cd/m^2 700:1 80/80/80/80
Samsung LTN140HL02-B01 PLS Matte, hard 262k ??? ??? 85/85/85/85
BOE NV140FHM-N62 ADS Matte 16.7m 300 cd/m^2 800:1 85/85/85/85
NV140fhm-n41 ADS Matte, hard 262k 250 cd/m^2 800:1 85/85/85/85
Innolux N140HCA-EAC AAS Matte 262k 250 cd/m^2 800:1 89/89/89/89

There are also 40-pin controllers that support 2560×1440, such as this one by e-qstore. It lists the following screens:

2560×1400 (WQHD) Screens

Brand Model Type Finish Colors Brightness Contrast Viewing Angle
AUO B140QAN01.1 AHVA Matte, hard 16.7m 340 cd/m^2 700:1 85/85/85/85
B140QAN01.5 AHVA Matte 16.7m 300cd/m^2 700:1 85/85/85/85
LG LP140QH1-SPB1 IPS Matte 16.7m 300cd/m^2 700:1 85/85/85/85
LP140QH1-SPA2 IPS Glossy 16.7m 300cd/m^2 700:1 85/85/85/85
LP140QH2-SPB1 IPS Matte 16.7m ??? 800:1 85/85/85/85

I chose the AUO B140HAN01.3 from eBay seller neidersch, and the LCD controller from moe-tech. Why that particular screen? Because I wanted a matte finish, and it appears to be identical to the B140HAN01.1, aside from being 0.2mm shallower. Both have been working great for around nine months.

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Microsoft Symbol Server Configuration for WinDbg

Since I always forget how to configure a symbol cache on a new machine, here’s my configuration. Setting this environmental variable will download symbols from Microsoft’s servers and cache them at E:\symbols:


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Far Cry 5: Only 32 Hours of Story

I finished Far Cry 5’s main story with only 32 hours of game play. I spent a fair amount of time doing side missions, too. I generally see 50 – 70 hours of game play in AAA titles, so I’d rate this a mediocre value. Still better than FC4, though.

Far Cry 5 game play time

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