I sent an IM to Yumi. When I didn’t get an immediate response, I locked my workstation to play some foosball. When I returned, I found this:
[15:24] Jeff: so did you read about the earthquake yet? [15:31] Yumiko: i did [15:31] *** Auto-reply sent to Yumiko: I am currently idle. [15:31] Yumiko: me too lol [15:32] *** Auto-reply sent to Yumiko: I am currently idle. [15:34] Yumiko: hey, how can i cash in a check? [15:34] *** Auto-reply sent to Yumiko: I am currently idle. [15:34] Yumiko: y are you keep saying that????? [15:34] *** Auto-reply sent to Yumiko: I am currently idle. [15:34] Yumiko: ???????????? [15:34] *** Auto-reply sent to Yumiko: I am currently idle.