Cambodia: Sexy Time!

So, if you tell people in the US that you’re going to Thailand, they’ll often start wiggling their eyebrows, jab you in the ribs with an elbow, and mutter something about ladyboys.

This morning, I was at the Ekkamai bus station in Bangkok, waiting for my bus to Cambodia. A Thai guy, apparently a worker for one of the bus lines, started up conversation, “Hello, where you go?”

That, by the way, is basically what they say to each other all the time as a greeting. However, that’s also what all the annoying touts and taxi drivers say, which I typically ignore or answer with a confusing, “everywhere.” I haven’t yet had the nerve to respond, “your mom’s house.”

Anyway, I respond, “Cambodia. Cambusha.” A typical conversation ensues. America, San Francisco, wow, yeah, America is big, and so on.

Up waddles captain sweaty, who appears to know this man. “He’s going to Cambodia!” says my new friend. “Aha, Cambodia,” says Sweaty with a knowing wiggle of the ol’ caterpillars. He then puts one hand on the back of the other and starts pumping them.

Now, one hand on top of the other, thumbs out, happens to indicate “sea turtles” when diving, so I was a bit confused. Nooo, I’m not going to Cambodia for sea turtles…?

He saw the look of bewilderment and switched his hands around a bit. Palm to palm with some suggestive thrusting and grunting.

Oh! Oh. No! No, I’m not going to Cambodia for sex! Man, I just can’t get a break…

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