As a long-time Windows/C++ developer, I’m curious to know what technologies are in demand. I’ve personally used almost exclusively in the past, but they don’t provide a good interface for viewing job trends. is an aggregating website which compiles results from multiple job-posting sites. It provides a very nice interface for graphing job trends.
Comparing Java, C++, and C#, it appears that there are a tremendous number of Java jobs, while C# and C++ are vying for around the same percentage of total job listings:
Of course, C++ development on *nix is often a very different beast from C++ on Microsoft Windows, and transition between the two can be problematic. If we ignore Java and add a trend line for Windows C++, it becomes clear that C++ on Windows is steadily declining, while by comparison C# is exploding:
I was curious how this compares to data sourced solely from Since they don’t provide any sort of trend interface, I wrote a script which feeds Dice data into the Google Charts API each week: