A Good Orthopedist in San Francisco

I needed to see someone about my shoulder/neck injury. On the recommendation of a coworker, I went to see Dr. Jon Dickinson. He seems to be very nice, knowledgeable, and happily explains what he’s observing, rather than just writing a prescription.

Contact Information

Dickinson, Jon A, MD
California Pacific Ortho and Sports Med
3838 California St Rm 715
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 668-8010

About Jeff Fitzsimons

Jeff Fitzsimons is a software engineer in the California Bay Area. Technical specialties include C++, Win32, and multithreading. Personal interests include rock climbing, cycling, motorcycles, and photography.
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One Response to A Good Orthopedist in San Francisco

  1. Vanessa says:

    That’s the same orthopedics office that I went to for my knee in 2002 or so. Not to the same doctor. What a coincidence.

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