Category Archives: OS X
db46 Checksum Error During MacPorts Upgrade
Problem When upgrading my MacPorts installation, using sudo port upgrade outdated, I ran into the following error: —> Verifying checksum(s) for db46 Error: Checksum (md5) mismatch for patch. Error: Checksum (md5) mismatch for patch. Error: Checksum (md5) mismatch for patch. … Continue reading
Mounting a TrueCrypt Partition on Mac OS
When an entire volume has been encrypted by TrueCrypt, it looks like an uninitialized drive to Mac OS. A dialog box will pop up, asking if you want to initialize (format) the drive. Click ignore. Next, run TrueCrypt. If TrueCrypt … Continue reading
Better GMail Causes 100% CPU Usage in Firefox
For the last several weeks, I’ve noticed excessive CPU usage whenever GMail (GAYD-hosted email, specifically) is open in Firefox. By turning off add-ons one at a time, I found that this is caused solely by Better GMail 2. Firebug, FireGPG, … Continue reading
Making OS X Command Line Behave More Like Linux (GNU)
The command-line oddities of Mac OS X’s BSD heritage drive me insane. I much prefer the behavior of the GNU toolchain, as provided by Ubuntu Linux. To begin, first install MacPorts. MacPorts Installation Variant +with_default_names With several MacPorts packages, the … Continue reading