Category Archives: Technology
Ubuntu With autofs and Infinite Recursive Directories
Trying to get autofs working on Ubuntu, I found that everything worked except that I could never actually get at the folder contents. Instead, I would get an infinitely recursive set of empty folders: jeff@ubuntu:~$ ls /smb/myserver/ backup/ info/ media/ … Continue reading
Loose, lose, to, two? (Digg)
So-called “social networking” sites are a virtual goldmine of comedy. Unfortunately, it’s a very deep mine with a tremendous amount of unfunny to get through first. I trimmed down this conversation to the bare, humorous minimum.
Chainsaw (YouTube)
This delightful YouTube video shows a small child being placed in front of a cobra. The poor cobra is said to be de-fanged and/or has its mouth sewn shut. The cobra is, predictably, annoyed by the child (aren’t we all?) … Continue reading
I am currently idle
I sent an IM to Yumi. When I didn’t get an immediate response, I locked my workstation to play some foosball. When I returned, I found this: [15:24] Jeff: so did you read about the earthquake yet? [15:31] Yumiko: i … Continue reading