Category Archives: Technology
Windows Console and Double/Multi Byte Character Set
The Windows Console doesn’t support Unicode. It does, however, support Double Byte Character Sets using Code Pages. By changing the system locale, the Console can display Japanese, Korean, and Chinese text: Terminology UTF-8 and UTF-16 are types of Unicode. However, … Continue reading
Mediawiki Error: “Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination”
I have an older Mediawiki installation which, after upgrading to version 1.23.0, I began to see errors like: Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination The problem turned out to be the temporary folder setting in LocalSettings.php. It … Continue reading
Unicode and the Windows Console
Update: after several more hours of Googling and experimenting, I have found a way to display Japanese in the Console. For more information, check out my new post, “Windows Console and Double/Multi Byte Character Set“. The rest of this post … Continue reading
Biostar TF7050-M2 Gigabit Ethernet under Ubuntu
After several years of not bothering, I finally got Gigabit ethernet working on my old Linux server, which has a Biostar TF8050-M2 motherboard. The motherboard has a Realtek 8111B PCI-E LAN controller, which is supposed to be 10/100/1000 (Ethernet, Fast … Continue reading
Visual Studio Debugging – Accessibility Applications with uiAccess Attribute Set
Debugging the application from Visual Studio first resulted in a dialog telling me I needed to restart Visual Studio as Administrator. After doing so, trying to run in the debugger resulted in an error that read, “Unable to start program” … Continue reading
Exporting Visual Studio-compatible Bitmaps from GIMP
When exporting bitmaps from GIMP, two options must be selected in order for the bitmaps to be compatible with Visual Studio: Under Compatibility Options, check “Do not write color space information”. Under Advanced Options, select “R8 G8 B8” under 24 … Continue reading
Microsoft IME for Japanese Input
I’ve found the keyboard shortcuts for the Microsoft IME (Input Method Editor) to be poorly documented. I’ve tried to collect all of them here. Switching Between Input Languages These keyboard shortcuts switch between, for example, English and Japanese input languages. … Continue reading
Setting Global C++ Include Paths in Visual Studio 2012 (and 2013, and 2010)
Starting with Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft decided to make life hard on C++ developers. System-wide include path settings used to be accessed through Tools | Options | Projects and Solutions | VC++ Directories. However, that option is gone: Instead, the … Continue reading
How Do I Know What Ubuntu Version Number I Have?
lsb_release -a
Console2 and Cygwin with Solarized Color Palette
If you want to use Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color palette with Console2 and Cygwin, here’s how: Edit the console settings file at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Console2\console.xml or %APPDATA%\Console\console.xml. Replace the <colors> … </colors> section with the following: Restart Console2. Colors in vim look … Continue reading