WordPress Twentyten Theme Without Header Image

The latest version of the Twentyten theme seems to have introduced a bug in the header. If you opt for no header image, you’ll end up with a large space and a broken image icon in your header:

The problem is a conditional in wp-content/themes/twentyten/header.php which writes out an img tag even if get_header_image() returns an empty string:

   // Check if this is a post or page, if it has a thumbnail, and if it's a big one
   if ( is_singular() &&
      has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) &&
         ( /* $src, $width, $height */ $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'post-thumbnail' ) ) &&
         $image[1] >= HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH ) :
      // Houston, we have a new header image!
      echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'post-thumbnail' );
   else : ?>
      <img src="<?php header_image(); ?>" width="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; ?>" height="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; ?>" alt="" />
   <?php endif; ?>

Replace the else with an elseif which checks to see if the header image string is empty:

   elseif ( get_header_image() != "") : ?>
Posted in Technology, Wordpress | 1 Comment

Install Windows 7 from USB Thumb Drive

The Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool can copy a Windows .ISO file to a USB thumb/pen drive.

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Windows Vista/7 File System Virtualization

Along with User Account Control, Windows Vista and Windows 7 use file system and registry virtualization to improve compatibility with applications which break Windows development security guidelines. If an application attempts to write to a disallowed location (such as the root directory, or Program Files), the file is silently relocated under %localappdata%/VirtualStore.

So, if you’re running an older application and you can’t figure out where it stored its files (e.g. DVD Decrypter, as in my case), look under:


This MSDN page has an excellent summary of file and registry virtualization (search the page for “virtualization”).

Posted in Technology, Windows | Leave a comment

Mounting a TrueCrypt Partition on Mac OS

When an entire volume has been encrypted by TrueCrypt, it looks like an uninitialized drive to Mac OS. A dialog box will pop up, asking if you want to initialize (format) the drive. Click ignore.

Next, run TrueCrypt. If TrueCrypt is already running, open its main window. Click ‘select device’.

TrueCrypt will prompt you for your administrator password. This is your regular login password. Note that if you don’t have administrative rights, you can’t mount an encrypted volume.

Next, select the encrypted disk from the list of drives. In this example, it’s a 60 gigabyte external harddrive, so I select the drive reported as 55.9 GB.

You are now returned to TrueCrypt’s main window. Click ‘Mount’ in the bottom, left corner.

TrueCrypt will now prompt for the volume password. This is the password used to encrypt the disk.

The volume is now mounted. You may close the TrueCrypt main window and continue to access the encrypted disk.

Posted in Cryptography, OS X, Security, Technology | 1 Comment

Always Inspect Your Tires Closely!

REI had 26×1.8 Michelin City tires at 25% off $28. I was worried about my decade-old tires, particularly the fact that at only 1.4 inches, rim damage seemed fairly likely on a tour. I nabbed the last two tires.

I noticed that one of the tires was missing the cardboard product tag, and that it had some writing inside the tire. I didn’t think much of it, and neither did the cashier.

When I got home, I went straight to work. First, I had to figure out the rotation direction. On these tires, it’s embossed right on the reflective stripe, so it’s quite hard to see. I finally found the embossed arrow and, just as I set the tire down, something caught my eye:

There was the faintest of lines in the sidewall…

With a bit of flex, things got scary fast:

Not only was the tire ply visible, it was cut clean through along at least three parallel lines!

So remember: always very carefully inspect tires before purchasing them. High speed blowouts are not fun.

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Nashbar Waterproof Front Panniers

I needed a set of front bicycle panniers for my upcoming West Coast ride. Since it will be rare that I’ll need more storage capacity than my Ortlieb Backrollers offer, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money. Nashbar was running a discount on their waterproof front panniers (NA-WPF2-K), putting them under $40. At that price, they would be worth buying even if they only lasted for one trip.


The bag appears to be made out of PVC-coated nylon. It has both a roll-top inner closure, plus an outer cover which snaps down. Each bag has two stout metal hooks which attach to the top rail of the rack. Attachment to the lower rail is via elastic and a metal hook. The lower attachment system seems low quality, but it functions surprisingly well.



Roll-top closure:

Upper mounting hooks:

Lower mounting hooks:


Next to each upper hook, there is a Velcro loop. This should function to prevent the bag from moving too far upward and coming unhooked. In the event that it does come unhooked, I imagine that the Velcro loops would keep the bag on the bike. Given the relative strength of the steel hook and Velcro loops, I do not think that the loops are intended to carry the full weight of the bag in normal use!

Since the loops extended beyond my Jannd Extreme front rack, I added a loop of paracord through which I can secure the Velcro loops. I used a double-fisherman’s knot, so it won’t slip when loaded.

Many reviews mention that the rivets fail. Looking at them, I can imagine how easily this would happen under load:

In order to assure that I can’t experience complete failure, I drilled out the upper rivet in each hook and replaced it with a stainless steel bolt. I used a fender washer — which has a large diameter — to spread the load across a larger area of the bag liner. I also used a regular washer in order to make the nut fit without exposing any bolt threads, since I didn’t want things catching on the bolt.

A more glaring problem is that of the lower hooks. They literally just slip through the elastic and are held there by gravity or tension. Without tension, it takes only mild jarring to cause them to work their way free. In fact, I lost one hook within the first week, when I took the bag with me down to the hardware store!

I absolutely recommend that anyone who buys these bags immediately modify the elastic in order to retain the hook! You could simply use a zip tie, though made a quick stitch with a sewing machine.

Posted in Cycling, DIY | Leave a comment

(Re-)Encoding Videos for iPod Classic

I only just discovered that my three year old iPod Classic (5th generation) can play video. However, reencoding my videos for it proved difficult. The Apple product support page for the iPod classic says that it supports h264 video. I tried every recommended h264/x264 encoding method (1,2) that I could find, including Mencoder and HandBrake, but none of them worked for me. Each attempt resulted in the dreaded, “cannot be played on this iPod,” error.

Finally, I found that using HandBrakeCLI’s default FFmpeg encoder worked. The following commands create an MP4 file containing MPEG-4 video encoded at 350kbps, with AAC audio at 160kbps.

Faster, one-pass encoding:

HandBrakeCLI -i "$input" -o "$output" -e ffmpeg -b 350 --width 320 \
-a 1 -E faac -B 160 -R 48 -6 dpl2 \
-f mp4 -I

Slower, two-pass encoding:

HandBrakeCLI -i "$input" -o "$output" -e ffmpeg -b 350 --width 320 \
--two-pass --turbo \
-a 1 -E faac -B 160 -R 48 -6 dpl2 \
-f mp4 -I

Note that if you’re viewing widescreen video, the iPod will automatically zoom in to fill the screen vertically. This results in content cut off from the left and right sides. To prevent this, go to Video | Settings and turn off Fit to Screen.

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Bicycle Wheel Bearings

I’m looking for replacement bearings for a Shimano M760 XT rear hub. According to Shimano’s technical documents website, it uses 1/4″ bearings, nine per side. The lowest price I found for bicycle bearings was 25 for $4.80 at JensonUSA.

However, by going to McMaster Carr, an industrial supplier, I found a package of 100 bearings for only $4.37 (part number 9528K15). These are Grade 25, just like the JensonUSA bearings.

Edit: Price ($4.24 to $4.37, so 13 cents in two years) and link were updated in July, 2013.

Regarding the grades of bearings, according to Wikipedia, inch-size ball bearings are graded from 1000 to 3, where smaller numbers indicate higher precision. It appears that Grade 25 is commonly used on higher end bicycle components, with Grade 300 on some low-cost parts. Different materials are available, such as stainless steel. Harder bearing materials should not be used, as this will cause the bearing races to wear out rather than the cheap and easily replaced ball bearings. Also be aware that steel balls are not the same as ball bearings, are much harder, and should be avoided for the same reason.

Posted in Activities, Cycling, DIY | Leave a comment

Cygwin: No Output from Rsync

I experienced a very strange situation where rsync simply stopped working. It wouldn’t even output anything for rsync --help or even plain rsync. which showed it to be in /usr/bin/rsync as expected. A closer look revealed something odd:

$ ls -lah /usr/bin/rs*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 fitzsimj None    0 2010-01-11 13:40 /usr/bin/rsync
-rwxr-xr-x 1 fitzsimj root 349K 2010-02-19 11:20 /usr/bin/rsync.exe

I had a mysterious, empty rsync file next to rsync.exe in my /usr/bin folder. Deleting the rsync file fixed my problem. I have no idea where this came from.

Posted in Cygwin, Technology | Leave a comment

Steam Connection Error (“you must first connect to the Internet”)

I was able to download and install Valve’s Steam client on my Windows 7 64-bit machine, but when I tried to run the client I would instantly receive this error:

Steam.exe (main exception): To run Steam, you must first connect to the Internet

I tried changing port-forwarding rules in my router, and disabling the Windows firewall entirely. In the end, the problem turned out to be PeerBlock, which is used in P2P networking. PeerGuardian would cause the same problem, as would any software which performs network blocking functionality.

Rather than disable PeerBlock, I added Steam’s servers to PeerBlock’s allowed list. To do this, open PeerBlock and, as Valve servers appear on the list, right click them and select “Allow x.x.x.x permanently”:

Adding a server to PeerBlock's list

Connections to Valve’s servers should appear in the TCP range of 27014 – 27050 and UDP 4380, and 27000 – 27030. It appears that their servers are identified as “VALVE CORPORATION” or “Limelight Networks”.

Posted in Network, Technology | 1 Comment