Flents Econo-Mate Contact Lens Case

I can never find these when I need them: compact, low-volume, contact lens cases. The cases sold by contact solution companies are positively cavernous, sucking up a relatively tremendous quantity of solution every time you use them!

I had an assortment of these Flents Econo-Mates years ago, but managed to misplace them one at a time. By the time I wanted more, I’d long forgotten who made them, and no stores carried them, so I was quite pleased to finally come across a pair. According to the manufacturer’s online catalog, they’re available in white and a rather bothersome shade of flesh tone, with a suggested retail price of $2.79 for a blister pack of two. Part number K1010.

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Fixing Camcorder IEEE 1394/Firewire Connection Problems on Windows 7

I’m running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on my Toshiba A505 Satellite, which has a Firewire port. If I connected my Sony camcorder (DCR-HC40) I would just get either an endless connect/disconnect cycle, or simply nothing at all. Firewire just did not appear to work.

The solution was to roll the IEEE 1394 (“Firewire”) Bus Host Controller driver back to the legacy version. It’s detailed in this Technet post. The important steps are:

  1. Click the Start Button, type devmgmt.msc in the “Start Search” box and press Enter.
  2. Expand the “IEEE 1394 Bus Host Controllers” node in the device tree on the right hand pane
  3. Right click the host controller node select “Update driver software …”
  4. Select “Browse my computer for driver software”
  5. Select “let me pick from a list of device driver on my computer …” and Check the box before “Show compatible hardware”.
  6. Choose the second option—1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller (Legacy), and click next to update the driver.

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Word of the Day: Fremdschämen

Fremdschämen is a German word which means vicarious embarrassment on behalf of others.

For examples, refer to almost anything that Ricky Gervais has made.

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Photo Journal: Dempster Highway to the Arctic

Dempster Highway to the Arctic, Vancouver to Inuvik is an interesting photo journal by David Cambon.

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MicroSD Card Sleuthing

I just read a fascinating story about investigating a bad batch of Kingston MicroSD cards. Some of the things I learned:

  • Toshiba and Sandisk co-own the same fabrication facility.
  • Samsung does not sell their own cards retail, only through resellers who re-brand them.
  • Kingston does not appear to manufacture their own memory chips, but repackage Sandisk/Toshiba chips.
  • A complete SD card’s cost is nearly identical to the raw Flash chip itself, meaning that the controller and package is provided essentially for free. This is presumably because the cost of testing a free-standing Flash chip is dramatically higher than testing a complete SD card.
  • Chinese fake SD cards are impressively made and packaged.
  • How to spot a knock-off SD card (appearance irregularities and card ID data).
  • Z-A-Recovery is useful for recovering strange data from that re-sold, fake SD card you bought at a Chinese market stall.

I’m certainly wouldn’t say that Kingston SD cards are bad, but I will point out that I don’t see any reason to move away from my quite affordable Sandisk, Lexar, and A-DATA cards.

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IME Functions Fail From Separate Process

I wanted to change the behavior of the Microsoft IME bar using AutoHotkeys, a utility which can be used to create macros, remap keys, or do any of a variety of other related tasks.

This led me to ime_func.ahk, which appears to be an AutoHotkeys script which uses DllCall to access Imm32.dll, the Input Method Manager library. I believe that this script was intended to manipulate the state of the IME language bar.

As near as I can tell, this AutoHotkeys script targets an older implementation of the IMM library. Some of the methods used are now only listed for Windows Mobile platforms.

I began experimenting with ImmGetContext and ImmGetConversionStatus. ImmGetContext always returned a hIMC value of NULL.

On the Developing IME-Aware Multiple-thread Applications MSDN page, the following is stated (bold highlight added):

The IMM includes thread identification checking that determines if a calling thread is the creator of a specified input method context handle (HIMC type) or window handle (HWND type). If the thread is not the creator of the handle, the called IMM function fails and a subsequent call to GetLastError returns ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS.


  • A thread should not access the input context created by another thread.
  • A thread should not associate an input context with a window created by another thread, and vice versa.

So, it appears that cross-process IME manipulation is forbidden.

Posted in Technology, Windows | 1 Comment

Publishing GPG Public Key in DNS Records

Publishing GPG/PGP keys to public keyservers has one glaring fault: once you commit something, you can never remove it. I made the mistake of adding my email address at an employer’s domain. Now it is permanently tied to my public key and email address.

Assuming that you own a domain, publishing keys in your DNS record gives you complete control over their content. Of course, there is nothing stopping someone from retrieving your public key from your DNS record and uploading it to a public keyserver!

Dan Mahoney wrote an excellent guide on publishing PGP keys in DNS TXT records.

This guide to GoDaddy DNS record configuration made it relatively easy to modify my TXT record.

Posted in Network, Security, Technology | 1 Comment

GnuPG Not Working Under Cygwin

I was having trouble using the GnuPG plugin for vim under Cygwin. The GnuPG plugin allows seamlessly integrated decryption, editing, and re-encryption of GPG-encrypted content within vim. However, on my Windows 7 box, it just showed gibberish. Attempting to edit my encrypted password file resulted in a rather vague error message:

$ vim Documents/passwords.gpg

"Documents/passwords.gpg" [Incomplete last line][converted] 7 lines,
2547 characters
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Pressing enter simply resulted in gibberish, likely the raw data of the encrypted file.

The solution was to turn on vim’s filetype plugin processing:

:filetype plugin on

To make this setting persistent, add it to your ~/.vimrc file.

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Converting MP3 to AAC

Here is a Windows command shell script I wrote to convert MP3 files to AAC for my Softbank 821SC phone. The script uses FFmpeg, which I downloaded from here.

@echo off

REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM  Set the following variable to the ffmpeg.exe path on your system.
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
set FFMPEG_PATH="c:\tools\FFmpeg\ffmpeg.exe"

REM make sure the user provided an argument.
if NOT "%~1" == "" goto ARGS_OK

REM bad arguments, print error and exit.
echo    Usage examples:
echo       mp3toaac.bat file_to_convert.mp3
echo       mp3toaac.bat *.mp3
echo       mp3toaac.bat some_directory\*.mp3
exit /b 1


REM use for/in so that we can accept individual files or wildcards.
for %%i in ("%~1") do %FFMPEG_PATH% -i "%%~i" "%%~ni.aac"

echo Done.

exit /b 0

Interesting elements of this batch file:

  • Use of for/in in order to accept both filenames and wildcards.
  • Use of %~X to strip parentheses from a filename variable.
  • Use of %~nX to strip the extension from a filename variable (i.e. retrieve the basename).
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Are Transcend And A-DATA The Same Company?

I have an A-DATA 8GB MicroSDHC card from NewEgg.com. On the back appears:

S FLH3E6X3 941

If you search for MMAGR08GUDCA-DB, you’ll find posts listing this same product identification number for Transcend cards.

Corporate profiles list different CEOs (Peter Shu for Transcend, Simon Chen for A-DATA). The product details, however, seem to indicate that they’re the same company, or at least share suppliers.

This is relevant only because A-DATA cards sell for slightly less than Transcend cards ($17.49 vs. $20.99). Additionally, if you don’t need the SD adapter, you can get the bare A-DATA MicroSDHC 8GB card for a few cents less ($16.99).

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